245 NSE Top gainers last 3 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 3 Months) NSE

Last 3 Months gainers of NSE . Top MONTHLY GAINERS of NSE Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS of NSE

Below is full list of NSE top GAINERS stocks of last 3 Months till date from a closing of 3 Months before

248 top GAINERS stocks NSE (3 Months) Top gainers in last 3 Months list

Gainers as on Tue 11 February 2025, Vimta Labs at 99.42%, 63 Moons at 78.24%, Krn Heat at 72.23%, were amongst the top GAINERS in last 3 Months in NSE

50 Top gainers stocks NSE

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 3 Months Price
VIMTALABS Vimta Labs Limited 99.42% change 1045.55 524.30
63MOONS 63 Moons Technologies Ltd 78.24% change 724.90 406.70
KRN Krn Heat Exchange N Ref L 72.23% change 824.60 478.79
CARTRADE Cartrade Tech Limited 66.89% change 1557.05 933.00
GANESHHOUC Ganesh Housing Corporation Limited 66.88% change 1342.25 804.30
KIRIINDUS Kiri Industries Limited 61.8% change 576.80 356.50
BLUEJET Blue Jet Healthcare Ltd 58% change 793.25 502.05
ASHAPURMIN Ashapura Minechem Limited 54.83% change 474.40 306.40
BAJAJHCARE Bajaj Healthcare Limited 54.35% change 591.00 382.90
WINDMACHIN Windsor Machines Limited 51.97% change 294.50 193.79
GREAVESCOT Greaves Cotton Limited 51.56% change 267.55 176.53
SIYSIL Siyaram Silk Mills Limited 51.03% change 709.55 469.80
ZOTA Zota Health Care Limited 50.83% change 929.20 616.05
MAFANG Miraeamc - Mafang 50.65% change 140.95 93.56
MONQ50 Motilalamc - Monq50 45.19% change 91.66 63.13
PGIL Pearl Global Industries Limited 44.04% change 1261.70 875.95
JINDRILL Jindal Drilling And Industries Limited 43.65% change 872.30 607.25
AMIORG Ami Organics Limited 40.34% change 2315.60 1649.95
ORIENTTECH Orient Technologies Ltd 38.34% change 372.70 269.40
KAMATHOTEL Kamat Hotels (I) Limited 38.16% change 273.81 198.18
AJMERA Ajmera Realty & Infra India Limited 38.1% change 918.45 665.05
INDOTECH Indo Tech Transformers Limited 36.36% change 2457.80 1802.40
CAMLINFINE Camlin Fine Sciences Limited 36.13% change 136.70 100.42
MASPTOP50 Miraeamc - Masptop50 36.13% change 59.46 43.68
AARON Aaron Industries Limited 35.44% change 348.55 257.35
DHANI Dhani Services Limited 35.4% change 69.19 51.10
DYCL Dynamic Cables Limited 34.65% change 708.65 526.30
ZENSARTECH Zensar Technologies Limited 34.19% change 895.50 667.35
LAURUSLABS Laurus Labs Limited 31.99% change 608.20 460.80
MBAPL M B Agro Prod. 31.93% change 277.40 210.26
DCAL Dishman Carbo Amcis Ltd 31.46% change 231.09 175.79
PGEL PG Electroplast Limited 31.3% change 804.80 612.95
BSE Bse Limited 31.2% change 5187.15 3953.60
MPSLTD MPS Limited 30.5% change 2668.25 2044.70
GALAPREC Gala Precision Eng Ltd 30.07% change 1004.80 772.50
MON100 Motilal Os Nasdaq100 Etf 28.46% change 208.37 162.20
REDINGTON Redington (India) Limited 26.93% change 231.49 182.37
TAJGVK Taj GVK Hotels & Resorts Limited 25.83% change 382.60 304.05
CANTABIL Cantabil Retail India Limited 25.8% change 300.20 238.64
PIXTRANS Pix Transmissions Limited 25.12% change 1979.65 1582.20
ASALCBR Asso Alcohols & Brew Ltd 25.01% change 1170.50 936.30
MANCREDIT Mangal Credit N Fincorp L 24.85% change 171.39 137.28
AMBER Amber Enterprises (i) Ltd 24.58% change 6433.10 5163.85
MANORAMA Manorama Industries Ltd 22.86% change 1009.45 821.60
SASKEN Sasken Communication Technologies Limited 21.77% change 1756.65 1442.55
DEEPINDS Deep Industries Limited 21.67% change 529.55 435.25
SUPRIYA Supriya Lifescience Ltd 21.13% change 681.95 563.00
GOLDIAM Goldiam International Limited 20.65% change 406.95 337.30
CARERATING Credit Analysis And Research Limited 20.29% change 1243.10 1033.45
HCG Healthcare Glob. Ent. Ltd 19.99% change 495.60 413.05
MANGCHEFER Mangalore Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited 19.27% change 154.48 129.52

14 top GAINERS stocks with 50% change in NSE top GAINERS (last 3 Months MONTHLY) list

21 top GAINERS stocks with 30% change in NSE top GAINERS (last 3 Months MONTHLY) list

14 top GAINERS stocks with 20% change in NSE top GAINERS (last 3 Months MONTHLY) list

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35 top GAINERS stocks with 5% change in NSE top GAINERS (last 3 Months MONTHLY) list

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245 NSE Top gainers last 3 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 3 Months) NSE


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